So after finally figuring out the “what I’m going to do with my life!” part of being purposely funemployed (and also upon receiving my bill for fall classes, honestly), I decided it was time to get myself a job. I started applying to random places I thought would be fun to work at probably about a month or two ago, and to my complete lack of surprise, hadn’t gotten very many bites. I’m sure it’s the whole working-full-time-in-advertising bit of my resume that threw people for a loop, even if I had written a tell-all cover letter to accompany every application. But just as I started to get disheartened, a call from one of my favorite fabric and craft retail stores for an interview! And the same day, a message from a former coworker and friend inquiring about a position at her current agency. I figured I’d explain my situation and throw in a question about part time work just for the heck of it, and just like that I am helping her out part-time in social analytics (what I had been doing previously). I know, I know, it sounds like I’m the little puppy going back to the person that kicked them, but I assure you that is not the case! It’s a small agency and I’m only there two days a week in between classes. And obviously it’s more money than I could make at a retail job, let's be real.
Anyways, my interview at the store rolls around, and I’m offered that job too! I can do evenings and weekends there, and also earn myself a nice employee discount. Which could help me on another business endeavor… just a pipe-dream right now, so we'll see ;)
So there you have it – two jobs, three classes, and
hopefully still enough time to enjoy things like, ya know, my husband, my dog,
my friends & family! And I hope that this semester will be the only one
this busy (until I start the PA program of course), since I’m sort of
“front-loading” myself as far as pre-req classes go. But regardless, I could use your help sending good luck vibes my way :P
And PSA, please don’t kick puppies! Adopt, don’t shop.
Rescue dogs are cuter anyway. Case in point, my sweet little rescue Ginny:
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