Wednesday, January 6, 2016

New Year, New School. And Same School.

2016. 2016! It's only the beginning, but I can already tell it will be quite the year.

I don't really make resolutions, but I do have some goals for this year, so if I had to, they would be:

1) Do well in my classes (aiming for that 4.0 again, of course!)
I'm about to begin my second full semester of classes, and hopefully last jam-packed semester before I'm actually in a Master's program. I've chosen to front-load my class schedule these two semesters, then I'll take one or two at a time during the summer, and maybe one or two in the fall while preparing admission applications (!!). This year, I will also be tackling the GRE. My wonderful hubby got me an awesome prep book for Christmas - probably the best and worst gift this year. Best because it'll definitely be put to good use, but worst because it means I have to take the GRE. (Don't worry, he got me other gifts to make up for the "worst" part :-P)
I'll also be starting to take classes at Oakland University. It'll be nice because since we live on campus, I can walk to class. But, it costs nearly 3x as much for a class. No I do not get a discount for being married to an employee. That's another gripe for another day. Ugggh.
I am a little nervous that my classes will be harder than my previous classes, which were all intro classes. This semester I'm taking Survey of Organic and Bio Chemistry, Microbiology, and Genetics. But I also think they will be more interesting.

2) Eat healthy (everyone gets one cliche resolution!)
I'm sure those who know me are rolling their eyes like, "okay Samm, like you need to be any healthier." I do generally eat very healthy and do exercise. But keeping up the schedule I do has been awful for my eating habits and exercise schedule. I have been relying on more quick-grab snack items like granola bars, frozen meals, and getting food from the student center at school while running from class to class or class to work. I would really like to concentrate on making healthier snacks to bring with me.

3) Build my application!
The biggest thing besides classes that I have to do this year is obtain job shadowing experience from pathologist assistants and pathologists. This could include volunteering at a hospital or working at a lab, if I get lucky.

4) Actually keep up this blog on the regular.
I'm really going to try! I'm going to aim for at least 2-3 blogs a month. It's been fun and it truly is cathartic.

Cheers to a new year! I hope everyone had a lovely holiday season and a very happy New Year!

Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you. - Albus Dumbledore

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